Derbie Angell
My knowledge is design, but my designs wouldn’t have gone anywhere without the passion I get from the people around me.
My company, CRU, began six years ago without a single contact in the industry. I was working at one of the country’s largest law firms and went into labor with my daughter when I was five months pregnant. I was put on bed rest for four months and decided I wanted to start a company by combining my Passion to Impact the World with my Knowledge in Design.
With zero capital to put towards CRU, I found a man in Israel that sold me diamonds at cost then turned around and sold them to women around the World. This allowed me to create my first product samples and attend my first meetings in New York with Macy’s. We are blessed to be in Macy’s, Bed Bath & Beyond and Dillard’s.
Since then it has been an amazing journey of Living Boldly, Pushing Myself through obstacles and Passionately working to make an Impact in the World. It’s hard to narrow down just one thing that inspires me to keep going. As a mother of two girls, my first priority is showing them they can do anything they dream of and to always be Passionate about what they are doing in life.
Additionally, my interactions with People I have met traveling the World are what have inspired me to give back. I don’t go a single day without thinking about the life changing sites I have seen. While some are as basic as battling for Clean Water and Electricity others were battling Cancer and it drives me to go the extra mile to not only make Luxurious pieces, but to promote Change.
darbie’s world
Cru International